Friday, 19 July 2013

Holistic Health Information A Holistic Approach to Healing Inflammation


This month, I am compelled to address inflammation. This topic has been addressed multiple times, in many publications, as the single most causative factor for all degenerative diseases. I will expand on this concept, and inform you as to the extent that this “silent killer” can affect the brain and body.

It is a common misconception that inflammation only happens when one has an injury. Actually it is happening all the time – every time you breathe pollution, and the free radicals are destroying the mucus membranes of your respiratory tract, there is inflammation. Whenever there are allergic symptoms of runny nose or itchy eyes or rashes there is inflammation. Every time you go in the sun and expose your skin to radiation, there is inflammation. Your brain gets inflamed whenever you drink alcohol, or ingest any proteins you cannot digest like gluten and casein. Whenever you do not eat properly, and you let your blood sugar drop; when you have a fever; when you injure your head, there is inflammation. Arthritis of the joints is ongoing inflammation; exercise causes inflammation; and, heartburn causes inflammation to the esophagus and stomach.

As you can see, inflammation is always happening, and we are not always aware of it. That is why it is called the “silent killer”. This is the cause of many degenerative diseases including: joint pain, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and high cholesterol, as well as autoimmune diseases like MS, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

On the other hand, we need a controlled amount of inflammation to heal injury. This is necessary to resolve the damage that occurs when we have minor cuts, or bruises, or major injuries such as broken bones or surgeries. The key is in the controlled amount of inflammation, rather than the out of control excessive inflammation that is damaging and leads to the above-mentioned conditions.

There are various ways to neutralize inflammation:

•Using homeopathic formulations like Arnica Montana 200C reduces and aids the body in healing the effects of inflammation from injuries.

•Stress reduction is crucial, since cortisol and adrenaline promote more inflammation, and interfere with the body’s ability to control and resolve it.

•Taking adaptogens and the amino acid phospatidyl serine, which help reduce the excess production of adrenaline and cortisol.

•Meditation and prayer and the use of the restorative pose all aid in reducing inflammation.

•Maintaining blood sugar stability is also crucial, since insulin resistance and hypoglycemia both lead to increased production of adrenaline, which then leads to the dis-regulation of cortisoThis month, I am compelled to address inflammation. This topic has been addressed multiple times, in many publications, as the single most causative factor for all degenerative diseases. I will expand on this concept, and inform you as to the extent that this “silent killer” can affect the brain and body.

It is a common misconception that inflammation only happens when one has an injury. Actually it is happening all the time – every time you breathe pollution, and the free radicals are destroying the mucus membranes of your respiratory tract, there is inflammation. Whenever there are allergic symptoms of runny nose or itchy eyes or rashes there is inflammation. Every time you go in the sun and expose your skin to radiation, there is inflammation. Your brain gets inflamed whenever you drink alcohol, or ingest any proteins you cannot digest like gluten and casein. Whenever you do not eat properly, and you let your blood sugar drop; when you have a fever; when you injure your head, there is inflammation. Arthritis of the joints is ongoing inflammation; exercise causes inflammation; and, heartburn causes inflammation to the esophagus and stomach.

As you can see, inflammation is always happening, and we are not always aware of it. That is why it is called the “silent killer”. This is the cause of many degenerative diseases including: joint pain, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and high cholesterol, as well as autoimmune diseases like MS, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

On the other hand, we need a controlled amount of inflammation to heal injury. This is necessary to resolve the damage that occurs when we have minor cuts, or bruises, or major injuries such as broken bones or surgeries. The key is in the controlled amount of inflammation, rather than the out of control excessive inflammation that is damaging and leads to the above-mentioned conditions.

There are various ways to neutralize inflammation:

•Using homeopathic formulations like Arnica Montana 200C reduces and aids the body in healing the effects of inflammation from injuries.

•Stress reduction is crucial, since cortisol and adrenaline promote more inflammation, and interfere with the body’s ability to control and resolve it.

•Taking adaptogens and the amino acid phospatidyl serine, which help reduce the excess production of adrenaline and cortisol.

•Meditation and prayer and the use of the restorative pose all aid in reducing inflammation.

•Maintaining blood sugar stability is also crucial, since insulin resistance and hypoglycemia both lead to increased production of adrenaline, which then leads to the dis-regulation of cortisol. This, in turn, contributes to excess inflammation, and destruction of all tissues in the body. This can also increase immune system stress, that can ultimately lead to food sensitivities and autoimmune conditions.

•Using herbal formulas and minerals such as chromium picolinate that address and restore normal insulin function can help with this.

•There are also proteolytic enzyme formulas that help in the reduction, and/or control of the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body like protease, bromelain, and papain.

•Herbal formulas also aid in reduction and control of inflammatory chemical production like curcumin, and other antioxidants.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to healing inflammation.

More holistic health information. l. This, in turn, contributes to excess inflammation, and destruction of all tissues in the body. This can also increase immune system stress, that can ultimately lead to food sensitivities and autoimmune conditions.

•Using herbal formulas and minerals such as chromium picolinate that address and restore normal insulin function can help with this.

•There are also proteolytic enzyme formulas that help in the reduction, and/or control of the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body like protease, bromelain, and papain.

•Herbal formulas also aid in reduction and control of inflammatory chemical production like curcumin, and other antioxidants.

More holistic health information.

Image Source: maryvancnec

Thursday, 4 July 2013


What happens when your immune system forgets that you are you?

This month I am face to face with the astounding fact that 53,000,000 people are affected by autoimmune conditions in the United States alone!

One of the leading 10 causes of death in the US!

1:7 Men & 1:5 Women are affected!

Autoimmunity erodes quality of life for decades. People suffer greatly and die slowly and painfully from the effects.

Early detection is key, antibodies appear much earlier than the onset of autoimmunity.

Environmental factors are the initiators of antibody production and eventual autoimmunity. The three main contributors are:

2.Exposure to Toxic Chemicals- Breathing them in, or placing them on our skin in the form of cosmetics and soaps.
3.Proteins we ingest such as gluten, dairy, soy, and eggs. GMO foods are introducing new proteins that stimulate the production of new antibodies.

Through the use of a Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen (antibody blood test) one can detect and prevent autoimmunity and implement therapeutic measures to restore balance and reverse antibody production.

White blood cells develop and mature in your bone marrow and then migrate to the Thymus gland where any antibody toward self is neutralized by a special molecule that destroys these antibodies. Aging declines the effectiveness of this mechanism.

A second layer of protection exists in the blood where certain white blood cells called regulatory T cells will destroy self-antibodies as well.
When these systems fail due to the onslaught of the environmental factors autoimmunity develops.

Prevention of Autoimmune Disease

1.Define the genetic make up of the person- Screen for genes.

2. Identify the environmental triggers- Assess for infections, exposure to toxins, and dietary protein consumption.

3.Identify the antibody production- Prescribe a Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen (50% off for the next 90 days with Cyrex Labs). Run a baseline and then re-test in six months to assess interventions. Identifying the development of antibodies enables a practitioner to diagnose before symptoms begin and predict organ involvement and disease flares. As well as make clinically meaningful decisions to predict response to therapies and explain organ tissue damage.

4.Develop preventative interventions. To include lifestyle, dietary modifications, and therapeutic supplementation.

The research literature is confirming that the consumption of milk leads to autoimmunity of the pancreas and specifically the cells that produce insulin, which results in Type I diabetes.

There is also evidence that the body seems to be attacking our enzymes more preferentially. Some examples of this are:

Antibodies to the cells of the stomach lining leading to gastritis, pernicious anemia, and ulcers.

Development of insulin antibodies leads to chronic and unresolved hypoglycemia.

Antibodies to Intrinsic Factor leading to vasculitis, Cohn’s disease, and Ulcerative Colitis.

Antibodies to Myelin leading to the development of Autism triggered by exposure to heavy metals, molds, and other environmental toxins.

There is also evidence that 25% of the population will develop Multiple Auto immune Syndrome.

Take control of your health and come in to assess your risk of developing autoimmune disease today!

Contact me to schedule your next visit.

Image Source: yang-sheng

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Holistic Health Information A Holistic Approach to Heart Health

February is heart health month, and a month that we focus on love, because of Valentine’s Day. But, it’s also a good time to love yourself, and your let your heart chakra (energy center for the heart) be expanded by giving to yourself, and healing the heart physically and emotionally.

Heart disease is the number one killer in our society, yet, many of its causes are preventable.

High cholesterol is one of the primary epidemics in this country. We see commercials for drugs that are given to those that suffer from this condition bombarding the media daily. The propaganda that a high fat diet is the primary cause of cholesterol issues is simply not true. Cholesterol is a molecule that the liver produces to make our sex hormones and other hormonal products in the body. It also is manufactured to plug up inflammatory damage to the arteries – it is the way the body fills in the holes caused by inflammation in our vascular system and heart.

The cholesterol drugs just stop the liver from releasing the cholesterol it produces, eventually causing a fatty liver. That is why patients are told to have liver tests every 90 days, in order to monitor the health of their liver, when taking these drugs. Reducing inflammation in the body is primary in preventing many diseases, and eliminating or reducing high cholesterol production.

There are many nutritional nutrients and herbs that control and reduce inflammation, and keep our circulatory system healthy and free of damage. A great formula I use and prescribe in my practice is Cholestar. In addition, reducing or eliminating the intake of inflammatory foods (coffee, alcohol, sugar, trans fats, preservatives, & gluten) is a must in achieving a healthy heart.

Homocysteine is another harmful molecule that causes damage to the circulatory system, by injuring the lining of the arteries, and causing the body to create clots that lead to strokes. This molecule is produced because of exposure to pollution, food preservatives, toxins in the environment, and free radicals. There are also nutrients that neutralize this chemical, and keep our circulatory system functional and healthy. One nutrient formula I prescribe for this is called Methyl SP. This formula assists the liver in functioning optimally to neutralize homocysteine.

Reducing stress is also another necessity in maintaining heart health. The higher the stress, the more likely it is that inflammation and free radical damage will double or triple its detrimental effects on the heart and circulatory system. Massage, yoga, meditation, hot baths, the daily restorative pose, and exercise are some of the ways that we can contribute and implement preventative measures.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to heart health.

More holistic health information. 

Image Source: mybodyhealth

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Holistic Health Information A Holistic Approach to Heart Health

Heart disease is still the number one killer in the nation. Preventative measures include a whole foods and varied diet, that consists of high fiber foods such as ground flax seeds, vegetables and fruits. There is also a need for Omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol is not the only factor that can causes heart disease Exposure to homocysteine, a molecule that is destructive to blood vessels and can cause blood clots and heart attacks, must be kept in check by consumption of Vitamin B12, B6, trimethylglycine, choline, folic acid, and minerals.

Aerobic exercise is also crucial for heart muscle health and strength, as well as reducing overall stress. Hardening of the arteries has long been associated with the production of damaging molecules, called iNOS- inducible nitric oxide, which our body produces when there is inflammation, autoimmune deregulation, or disease. We also produce a nitric oxide that is reparative to blood vessels, but we may not have the raw materials to produce enough. There is now a supplement called Nitric Balance, which provides these nutrients, and helps heal blood vessels, and soften arteries.

Chiropractic adjustments can also improve heart health, as they have been proven to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure is another concern, which is a consequence of life stress and weight gain. Reducing stress and maintaining adrenal health go a long way to reducing blood pressure, and supporting heart health.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to heart health.

More holistic health information.

Image Source: eternalifeblog

Monday, 1 July 2013

Holistic Health Information Electromagnetic Pollution

I am inspired to address a subject that I am learning more and more about as technology bombards us globally and personally. Electromagnetic pollution is getting worse by the second. The sources are numerous, and multi-factorial. There is the cell phone that we use constantly, and place next to our brain; blue tooth wireless that injects this lethal radiation directly into the brain; computer screens and hard drives that we sit at for hours daily; giant electrical towers; our televisions which are getting larger every day; compact light bulbs; every appliance we plug into the wall; the portable phone; the microwave and convection oven; radio waves; microwaves; etc.

Our bodies get bombarded by radiation on an ongoing basis. There is now proof in the research literature that this electromagnetic pollution, especially cell phones, and blue tooth devices cause brain cancer.

This electromagnetic pollution is also short-circuiting our nervous system, and disrupting our ability to think clearly and function. For those of you that use muscle testing, this is guaranteed to cause you to get crossed or switched instantly. Holding a cell phone that is turned on causes weakness to the entire body.

So, what can we do to neutralize or minimize these effects?

To begin with, make sure you use a headset that allows you to keep the cell phone as far away from your brain as possible. Whenever possible, place the phone down next to you, instead of holding it in your hand or on your body. In addition, keep as many things as possible unplugged from the outlet until you need them. This also saves you on energy usage, and you contribute to the reduction green house gases. Do not stand next to the microwave or convection while you are using it.

I have recently learned of technology that comes from Germany that cannot only neutralizes the effect of electromagnetic pollution for hours, but also restores the electromagnetism of your cells to the frequency of the Earth. Normal cellular energy ensures healthy, vibrant, and vital cells. This technology is now available in the form of a mat that you lay on for 8-16 minutes, called the MRS2000+. I will now have it available in my practice as an adjunct treatment to all of my sessions.

“Magnetic field therapy is one of the world’s oldest forms of healing. It was the center of the medical philosophy and practice of the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians and South American Indians. The medieval Swiss alchemist, physician, and astronomer, Paracelsus, documented the efficacy of magnetic fields in the 1500’s. In the 20th century, the first clinical studies took place in Russia and Japan, and were followed by groundbreaking work from Germany’s Professor Lechner and Professor Ascherl.

The latest insights gathered through scientific and medical research show that not every type of magnetic field is effective in treating living organisms. It is now known that pulsating oscillations, equal to the vibrations of the Earth’s own magnetic field, can work on every cell of our body, as long as they have the correct intensity, information content, and resonance characteristics. How? Through the ion exchange of our current-conducting cell membranes.

With the aid of a correctly-regulated pulsating electromagnetic field, our own body’s energy fields are reinforced. Our metabolism is improved, and the energy of each individual cell increases. This is why we call it “magnetic-resonance-stimulation” (MRS).

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to dealing with electromagnetic pollution.

More holistic health information. 

Image Source: orgon

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Holistic Health Information Optimal Nutrition for Healthy Living

As we begin a new and exciting year in the history of humanity 2012, after gratefully receiving answers to my brief survey last month, I am inspired to answer your questions about the most effective, and nutritious way to positively affect your health and ensure that you understand what to put into your body to provide you with the best support for well being and prevention of disease.

You asked:

How does one achieve optimum health?

An enormous part of achieving optimal health is dependent on the quality and choices we make in the food we consume. The body responds best to varied whole foods.

The best approach is to include a wide variety of;


•Raw nuts & seeds
•Legumes (beans)

Lean hormone and antibiotic free;

•Fresh caught fish

•Water- Optimal consumption of one quart per 50 lbs of weight daily.

Considering someone’s health issues & dietary restrictions, which is the best way to eat?

It does not matter what health issues you may have, general rules apply to all conditions. Consumption of fresh, clean, varied, whole foods will guarantee to improve and support every system in your body and allow for better function.

Most restrictive diets all include a variety of whole foods. No matter what the restriction there are always fruit, vegetable and protein choices.

Consuming a balance of protein, carbohydrate, and healthy fat (Approximately 40%, 30%. 30%) every 2-4 hours a day delivers the necessary fuel and nutrition for the mind & body to function optimally.

What is the best formula for prevention?

The best formula for prevention of disease starts first and foremost with conscious healthy choices when it comes to the food you choose to ingest.

The simpler, cleaner, and closer to nature the food is, the more likely the chances are that it will be highly nutritious and provide your body with the necessary ingredients for optimal health and wellness.

Food in its natural unadulterated form is one of the most powerful things you can use to achieve optimal health.

So many options: what is the best diet for health?

The best dietary approach to take when deciding what will yield optimal health, is to evaluate whether it includes:

•A wide variety of fresh whole foods

•Frequent healthy meal options that preserve your blood sugar stability (Following the 40/30/30 plan)

•Physical activity along with a diet plan

•Avoidance of inflammatory foods; gluten, dairy, sugar, coffee, & alcohol.

More Holistic Health Info

Image Source: nau

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Holistic Health Information A Holistic Approach to Thyroid Health

I recently attended a lecture that opened my eyes to the fact that thyroid dysfunction is the #3 health challenge in the country, only after heart disease and cancer. It is now known that 90% of women that are plagued with hypothyroid have autoimmune disease, and particularly Hashimoto’s disease. This is a condition in which your body attacks your own thyroid. The symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease include: foggy brain, fatigue, weight gain, depression, and chronic inflammation.

One of the main ways to treat and control this condition is the elimination of gluten from the diet, since 100% of women suffering from Hashimoto’s are also gluten-intolerant. Also, the ingestion of high doses of Vitamin D3 and omega 3’s are helpful. These two nutrients aid in assisting your immune system in self-regulating. Vitamin D3 and omega 3’s also allow your immune system to stay more balanced, and neither attack your body, or become weak when it needs to fight infections.

Surprisingly, prescribing and consuming thyroid medications is often ineffective, and sometimes detrimental to this condition. The effect of autoimmune thyroid disease also degenerates and reduces the brain’s ability to produce neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin. This must also be addressed through the consumption of the precursor nutrients that help the brain make the neurotransmitters.

I now carry specialized neurotransmitter precursor nutrients called Serotone and Dopatone to restore the production of neurotransmitters. I am also able to offer a combination formula that provides the necessary amount of Vitamin D3 and Omega 3’s called Bio D mulsion.

Of course, the rest of the endocrine system must be supported, in order to aid in restoring proper function to the thyroid. Both blood sugar regulation and adrenal health are vital for this situation to become balanced. When properly functioning, this restores energy, brain functioning, normal weight, mood, and eliminates inflammation from the body.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to thyroid health.

More holistic health information.

Image Source: thenpmom

Friday, 28 June 2013

Holistic Health Information A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss

People tend to think that the less they eat the more success they will have in achieving weight reduction. This is not the case at all; there are multiple reasons for avoiding this strategy and way of thinking.

In order to increase the metabolism of the body, there must be a constant supply of fuel. When a person does not ingest food every three to four hours in a day, the brain and adrenal glands perceive this as starvation, and send the body into a “fight or flight” state producing adrenalin and cortisol. These hormones cause the body to convert food into fat storage. This causes you to place calories in reserve, in case you continue this trend of extended periods of food deprivation.

The other system that becomes deregulated is blood sugar control; the pancreas’ insulin production process becomes overly stressed. When you starve the body, the insulin that your pancreas produces will drive what little sugar is available in the blood stream, and cause states of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This can lead to feelings of irritability, faintness, nervousness, and fatigue that are relieved by eating.

After repeated long- term bouts of this pattern, your cells become resistant to so many insulin surges, and subsequently this leads to insulin resistance or pre-diabetes. Then, you develop sugar cravings after meals; eating no longer relieves fatigue; and the cells of the pancreas become damaged, and unable to produce enough insulin. This leads to diabetes.

Because you are stressing the pancreas, the adrenals, and your brain, which must have glucose to function, this pattern subsequently stresses and deregulates the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the metabolism of the body, leading to fatigue and weight gain.

In order to successfully achieve weight reduction, one must eat healthy fat and protein every 3-4 hours, and especially one hour after waking, in order to neutralize the fasting that has occurred during the 7-8 hours of sleep the night before.

Exercise is also crucial, and must be done at least 4-6 times a week. This should include at least 30-45 minutes of aerobic activity to burn unwanted fat, as well as anaerobic muscle building exercises for 45-60 minutes. at least three times a week. The more muscle mass your body has, the easier it is to continue burning fat, even while at rest.
Proper sleep cycles are also necessary for a stable and functional metabolism. Seven to eight hours of normal sleep cycles ensures repair and regeneration that leads to healthy functioning for all tissues and organs of the body that regulate metabolism, and increase muscle mass.

Drinking at least 8-10 8 oz glasses of water per day is also necessary to keep the body hydrated, and be able to aid in eliminating toxins that are stored in the fat you are releasing, as you drop in weight.

I have come across the best and most sensible weight reduction – Ultra-Lite Weight Loss for Life. I have successfully achieved a 34-lb weight reduction in the last 9 month! Please contact me for more information and details.

Contact me for an appointment to learn more about holistic approaches to weight loss.

More holistic health information. 

Image Source: positivemedicalblog

Monday, 20 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Stress

Life brings us stress from a multitude of sources: work, relationships, toxins, driving, exercise, food, emotions, trauma, and even good news. Because of this, we must find ways to counteract the toll it takes on our physical, mental, and emotional well being.

In our body, the adrenal glands are two organs that sit on top of our kidney glands, which monitor and respond to stress. The adrenals produce a series of hormones that stimulate a “flight” or “fight” response, causing our nervous system to go into an alarm state. that we can recover from if this stress is short term in duration.

Unfortunately, we are always faced with constant stress, so our adrenal glands do not get a chance to get the respite they need to recover. These glands are interconnected with many other glands and organs that run our body. They directly affect the thyroid gland, the intestinal tract, the pancreas, the brain, the liver, the spleen, the heart, the arteries and blood vessels, the digestive tract, the immune system, male and female hormones, inflammation in the body, muscle building, bone density, and recovery from exercise. As you can see, if the adrenal glands are not functioning properly, we will end up with never-ending diseases and dysfunctions. Therefore, we must do everything we can to counter stress and maintain adrenal health.

The hormones produced by the adrenal glands are adrenaline, noradrenalin, and cortisol. If the adrenals are pushed too much, they will make too much of these hormones. Over time, they start to get exhausted, and cannot make enough. Consequently, fatigue, weight gain, inability to recover from injuries, inability build muscle mass, poor metabolism, anxiety, chronic pain, allergies, disturbed digestion, blood pressure problems, insomnia, chronic illnesses, irritability, allergies, and osteoporosis can plague us all at once, or one by one.

Strategies that can support our adrenal glands and lead to stress management in our lives include: eating regular balanced meals; regular exercise; yoga; meditation; prayer; hot baths; 8 hours of restful sleep per night; supplements and herbs that support adrenal function; vacations; drinking at least 8-10 glasses of clean spring or filtered water per day; laughter; spending time with those you love; and balancing your emotions with flower essences and homeopathic medicines.

Also, the daily restorative pose can offset the effects of stress. This is done by: laying on the floor with your knees bent at 90 degrees, and your calves resting on a couch, bench, or chair, with your hands by your sides, and placing a picture of nature scene or resort up on the ceiling above you. Imagine yourself there having a serene, relaxing time. Do this for 15 minutes a day.

There are several herbs that support adrenal function, including: holy basil, ashwaganda, codyceps, Siberian ginseng, licorice root, and rhodiola. There are also vitamins and amino acids that assist adrenal function, including: pantothenic acid, phosphotadylserine, folic acid, vitamin C, B6, and L-carnitine. These should be taken on a regular basis to maintain wellness and prevent dysfunction. The one hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands, and, when exhausted, is in short supply, is DHEA. Therefore taking it when needed not only insures adrenal health, but also has beneficial effects on all other body systems and processes. When there are high enough levels of DHEA in the body, the brain believes you are younger. The brain then instructs the body to upkeep, repair, and regenerate more efficiently, slowing the aging process.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to dealing with stress.

More holistic health information.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Give your Body a Spring Cleanse

As we view the rebirth and renewal all around us, it’s a good time to think of spring cleaning both in our homes, and our bodies. Give your body (especially your liver and intestines) a vacation, through a 21-day nutritional cleanse program.

We all have over stressed our systems during winter. With the holidays come changes in diet and parties. Winter weather brings changes that cause our bodies to fight infection at an increased rate.

I encourage everyone to give your body a Spring Cleaning Break with the renewal and regeneration that only a nutritional cleanse program can provide.

This program, Clear-Vite, can greatly enhance your future health and quality of life! Designed to provide the support and nutritional ingredients you need for success in the program, Clear-Vite allows you to continue your normal daily activities while you cleanse.

Because you eliminate all possible food allergens, and eat only a diet of varied whole foods, you will feel better – without the common detoxification side effects!

Contact me for an appointment today, to begin your Clear-Vite program.

More holistic health information.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Energy Healing

I attended a wonderful weekend seminar about a cutting edge technology from Germany, called the MRS2000+. I have owned this technology since March of this year, and this certification seminar reinforced my belief.

I feel that the wellness benefits of this device will revolutionize my ability to increase and improve healing times and overall wellness for all of my patients, as well as myself, and the members of my family. In addition, the well-documented, peer reviewed and validated research behind this energy medicine wellness device, reaffirmed and confirmed my confidence in my purchase of the MRS2000+ for myself, my family and my patients.

I am also inspired to educate all of my colleagues about how vital and revolutionary this technology is as an adjunct tool that they can confidently integrate into their practices and their own wellness care. I believe that this device should be in every household in this country and around the world.

The MRS2000+ produces an electromagnetic field at a frequency range that your cells produce naturally and restores the health of living tissues.

Research from Galvani, Yasuda, Fukuda, and Wolff in the beginning of the 20th century, demonstrated the connection between bone growth and time-varying electromagnetic fields. Early clinical studies on electromagnetic fields were conducted in the 1960’s in Russia and Japan. Because of their findings, magnetic field therapy has been used far more extensively in these countries.

In 1973, the beneficial effects of time-varying low-energy magnetic fields were documented with more and more frequency in North America. By 1982, Dr. Andrew Bassett published several articles on the positive effects of pulsating electromagnetic fields for non-healing bone fractures in three well-accepted North American medical journals. Today, scientific journals all over the world publish research articles, and consider magnetic field therapy safe and effective for a wide variety of health conditions.

The frequency of magnetic waves that surrounds the earth are called Schumann waves, and measure 7.83 Hz. The frequency of the magnetic waves at the poles of the earth is around 11.75 Hz. These two sources of magnetic energy have been present since life began, and been sustained within these fields.

Evidence suggests that human beings need this magnetic field to survive. In the early 1960’s, after men spent time on space flights, the astronauts reported having severe health problems due to absence of the geomagnetic field of the Earth’s atmosphere. This electromagnetic field is essential for human beings, plants, and animals.

In 1975 W.R. Adey and S. M. Bawin conducted research on the response of brain tissue to electromagnetic fields. They found that brain cells were responsive only to electromagnetic fields within a certain frequency range (3-25 Hz). This range has been coined the ‘biological window” or “Adey Window”.

Based on this finding, it seems that humans and animals react positively to certain waves, while others frequencies have no effect, or even disturb the normal biological field. These non-biological frequencies are commonly referred to as “Electrosmog”. Compared with Adey’s natural biological window of 3-25 Hz, most households use electricity at 50-60 Hz, which is not within the biological window. In addition, typically cells phones use 800-1900 Hz, which is definitely not within the biological window!
There is an ideal frequency range of naturally-occurring intensities (or field strengths) of the magnetic field that positively influence the health of living tissues. The intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field is between 26-66 micro-Tesla, depending on your location. This “window” of intensities seems to be most compatible and conducive to human and animal life; the Earth’s magnetic field has enabled life to persist as it has for millions and millions of years.

The MRS200+ applies a pulsating electromagnetic field that matches the Earth’s magnetic field, and all 75 trillion cells of the body can be stimulated into harmonic resonance. As a result, the powerful capacity within the cell membrane increases, and enables the cells to produce more energy. This energy enhances the self-healing powers of the body.

Some of the effects mentioned in the scientific literature are: improvement of energy balance; more efficient blood circulation; enhanced oxygen transport; accelerated regeneration of sick tissues, faster, more complete bone healing, release of calcium for healthy cell membrane function, stimulation of neural cells, and faster nerve cell healing; improved regeneration of ulcers, wounds and other tissues; relaxation of the muscles; and better fluid exchange through the cell membrane for complete cellular detoxification.

As a consequence, the potential therapeutic applications of magnetic resonance stimulation include: pain reduction; restoring balance to functional disorders caused by toxic, environmental elctrosmog; rehabilitation and mobilization after accidents or serious illness; prevention of disease and wellness; improved circulation and oxygen utilization; enhancement of psychological wellbeing for stress, anxiety, and depression; and, improved immune system function.

Contact me to learn more about how energy healing can benefit you.
More holistic health information.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Environmental Toxicity

In this industrialized world that we live in we are constantly exposed to a multitude of toxic substances. The U.S. government has la list of the top 10 hazardous substances;

1. Arsenic
2. Mercury
3.Vinyl Chloride
4. Polychllorinated Biphenylls
5. Benzene
6. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
7. Cadmium
8. Benzopyrene
9. Fluoranthene
10. Benzofluoranthene

Would you consider testing your body for these top 10 hazardous substances?

Even if you did decide to find out what the levels are, you will definitely continue to be exposed.

The question is whether there is an environmental risk to your health, and if so, who will be affected.
Ultimately we will all be exposed to mercury and all of the ten top toxic substances, there is no escape. The legal system is ineffective in identifying or preventing the sub clinical developmental toxic effects. In this country the majority of substances enter the commercial market without any legally required testing. Once substances are suspected of being harmful, the regulatory agency has to prove the risks or harmful effects and their causes, this has become increasingly difficult to prove.

Therefore, the concern is not if you will be exposed but rather how will you respond to the exposure. The research literature is finding that our response is not dependent on the quantity of dose or exposure for a reaction to occur. The reaction will be based on your immune/chemical tolerance. What this means is that depending on the health and integrity of your immune system and the body’s barriers (your gut, your blood/brain barrier, your lungs) will determine whether these substances will create symptoms and deteriorate your health. The health of these barriers and ultimately the integrity of your immune system can be deteriorated by several factors;

a. Chronic Stress
b. Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut Syndrome)
c. Infections
d. Chronic Inflammation
e. Poor Sleep
f. Malnutrition

One or more of these factors can lead to a loss of chemical tolerance which leads to the loss of immune tolerance which will express itself as the development of auto-immune disease.

In today’s world we are seeing a unique pattern of illness that involves chemically exposed groups of people in more than a dozen countries, who report multi-system symptoms and develop new chemical, food, and drug intolerances. These groups of people share very little in common except for an initial chemical exposure now known as “Toxicant-Induced Loss of Tolerance”(TILT). TILT has the potential of explaining certain cases of asthma, migraine headaches, and depression, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and “Gulf War Syndrome”. This response evolves in two stages:

a.Onset of symptoms due to a profound breakdown in prior, natural tolerance.
b.Triggering of immune response by small quantities of previously tolerated chemicals (gasoline, fragrances, exhaust), foods, drugs, and food/drug combinations.

Will everyone have the same response to environmental exposure?

The answer is a definitely NO!

Exposure is NOT the ONLY issue; one has to consider the individual’s immune-chemical tolerance.

Currently alternative medicine is following an antiquated model for dealing with this crucial and ever growing toxic load.

1st Order heavy metal or environmental testing.

2nd Use chelating agents (DMSA, DMPS, EDTA) to clear the person with aggressive detoxification programs.

3rd Blame adverse reactions on the detoxification process and ignore the immune tolerance.

These are not only ineffective but also dangerous to an already immune compromised person. Current research shows that chelating treatments only lead to redistribution of metals to the brain and liver. Causing toxic effects to these organs. Chelation also leads to interference with the metabolism of essential minerals.

In cases where people are being exposed to chemicals and heavy metals for long periods of time, the integrity of the immune-chemical tolerance must be taken into account first and foremost.

Metal toxicity leads to loss of immune tolerance, which produces chemicals that cause oxidative stress; this is thought to be one of the main contributing factors. Use of antioxidants is vital to restore immune regulation.

Glutathione is one of the most powerful and important anti-oxidants the body makes to protect your cells intra-cellularly and in the blood stream. Glutathione gets depleted with exposure to toxins.
Glutathione has the following protective effects;

a.Immune Modulator
c.Required for Liver Detoxification
d.Protects the mitochondria in each cell

The body’s ability to have glutathione available in its usable form at all times is necessary to reduce symptoms of toxic exposure and ensure that we maintain our immune-chemical tolerance or are able to restore it when lost. I strongly recommend the use of a product called Glutathione Recycler, which provides all the necessary compounds to optimize glutathione availability.

What can we do to reduce the chances of becoming ill from the exposure to toxic substances?

1.Reduce your exposure wherever possible.
2.Take Glutathione Recycler
3.Heal any leaky gut, lung barrier, or blood/brain barrier issues.
4.Counter chronic exposure to stress
5.Get proper sleep
6.Take Vit D3
7.Take Nitric Balance to increase concentration of Nitric Oxide
8.Maintain blood sugar balanced

Friday, 10 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Emotional Healing with Flower Remedies

I am focusing on the use of Flower Remedies to open our hearts and stay emotionally balanced in these stressful times. When we tend to let our FEAR- False Evidence Appearing Real- envelope our consciousness and drive our lives.

Learn to use these individual and combination formulas to keep you moving forward and create balance in our lives. These remedies have no negative side effects or addictive properties. Their effects on the psyche are profound – I have seen deep depression lift instantly, a crying child cease crying as soon as the drops are in their mouth.

The effects of these remedies are subtle, yet powerful, at transforming your state of mind, and, thereby, transforming your mental and physiological states.

I have been working with these remedies for 13 years – they have become an integral part of my practice. Without them I would feel I have missed a huge component of the person’s chance of wellness.

Contact me to learn how flower remedies can help you.

More holistic health information.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Summer Health and Fitness

As summer approaches we tend to want to commit to more fitness activities to get ready to look good in summer clothing.

I suggest that the best way to achieve your fitness goals, is to first assess your current state of fitness: are you currently sedentary or doing some kind of regular exercise, once or more than once a week?

Then, gradually increase the number of minutes and intensity of the exercise, as you achieve your fitness goals.

I recommend Pilates by Design as a great place to begin to get coached on your exercise needs. Owned by Erin Boylan, the studio is offering two for one sessions. Get your special offer coupons in my office now!

Call Pilates by Design at: 760 271 9205

The second thing that you must keep in mind is, that you must burn more than you eat! Eat regularly, do not let your blood sugar drop or rise. This causes stressors to your hormonal system, and deprive the brain from sugar, which is the only thing the brain can use for energy. Once the brain runs out of sugar, it starts destroying its own tissue to liberate sugar. Brain damage is not a good trade off for starvation! Take care of the brain, reduce and avoid as many stressors as possible, and your fitness and health goals will be met. Avoid refined sugars, caffeine, processed, deep fried foods, and alcohol.

Some suggestions for other stress reducing activities are: meditation, prayer, watching a sunset, and everyone would be well served in doing the Restorative Pose to counter stress in life.

The Restorative Pose is: Lay on the floor with calves on a chair, sofa, bed, etc., as long as your legs are at 90 degrees from your torso and your arms are next to your torso extended along your sides. On the ceiling above you, place a photo or picture of a nature scene or resort where you wish you were, and imagine yourself there having the time of your life very relaxed and serene, for 15 minutes every day, do not allow any other thoughts to enter your mind, if they do, go back to the image and the relaxed serene feelings.

Get a massage or a chiropractic adjustment to reduce your stress – once a month is the minimum. Your skeleton and muscle system need tune ups because of the repetitive motion stressors of our sedentary stressful lifestyle!

Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night; this is vital for repair and regeneration to occur in every part of the body including recovery from physical activity.
I believe that if you combine all of this, you will achieve your fitness and health goals for the summer and beyond!

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to fitness and health.
More holistic health information.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Supporting your Liver to Offset the Effects of Chemicals


Everything that is made of plastic is manufactured from the waste products of the oil industry. The plastic that is used to make water bottles is the cheapest and most unstable of all of them. Water is a natural solvent, and pulls everything into it. Because plastic bottles are made from a material that releases estrogen-like substances called xenoestrogens into the water that they hold, we are all being exposed and affected by these toxic elements in our bodies.

Normally, there should be a balanced ratio of estrogen to progesterone in the body of a woman. Unfortunately, there is a predominance of estrogen dominance in most women, because of the additional exposure to these xenoestrogens coming from water bottles, pesticides in our environment, smog, paints, carpeting, nail polish, and the increase in use of birth control pills, and hormone replacement therapies from synthetic man-made sources.

This leads to a very serious disruption in hormone balance that leads to erratic menstrual cycles, infertility, PMS, and a much higher incidence in cancers of the breast and ovaries. In order to prevent and protect our health and hormonal balance, it is important to:

1. Use glass or stainless steel containers to drink out of for our water.

2. Make sure that estrogen and progesterone are in proper physiologically safe ratio.

3. Ingest healthy whole foods

4. Avoid the use of synthetic hormones, and long term use of birth control pills.

Supporting our liver, the single most vital organ in charge of detoxifying and processing female hormones, is extremely important. This can be done by consuming herbs and B vitamins that assist our liver in its daily task of detoxification, and filtration of our blood. In order to avoid infertility and hormonal imbalances these steps are vital.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to supporting your liver.

More holistic health information. 

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Allergies: Support your Immune System

As spring unfolds, it is time to support the immune system, to avoid the onslaught of allergic symptoms.
Keeping your entire endocrine (hormonal system) in balance is crucial, so let’s review some previous newsletters to remind us of how to keep several of the glands and hormones in balance, including: supporting your adrenal glands; maintaining healthy blood sugar and insulin levels; a healthy intestinal tract; and last but not least a healthy brain.

The brain requires three very important things to function optimally. The first is a regular supply of glucose (the only fuel and energy source it can use), which is delivered by our body through the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates; and fat. Oxygen is another vital requirement – without it, our brain will die in minutes. Oxygen is supplied by our red blood cells.

Finally, stimulation is necessary for proper brain function and health. This stimulation is external, such as: reading, exercising, doing mathematical operations, engaging in artistic activities, learning new skills, etc. There is also the need for internal stimulation. A balanced production of neurotransmitters, the brain monitors and integrates itself based on the amount and equilibrium of the various neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, and gaba.

In the past two years, by going to seminars about brain health, I have come to understand that in order to best serve my patients’ overall wellness, I must assess and educate them about the importance of having a healthy brain, and its effects and influence on health is vitally important.

Getting 8 hours of restful sleep every night is also crucial – this is the only time our brain and body are undergoing repair and regeneration. The first four hours of sleep are used to repair the physical body, and the last four hours are intended for psychic (emotional) regeneration and repair. In the first four hours, our brain produces its highest amount of growth hormone and melatonin. Growth hormone is responsible for the growth of new and healthier cells in every tissue and organ of the body. This production is dependent on the quantity of DHEA being produced by the brain and body, and is in abundance when we manage our stress levels and balance our lifestyle. Melatonin has a nightly rhythm that gradually increases as we approach midnight, and then declines in daylight. Melatonin is an anti-oxidant, a mood stabilizer, and allows our brain to achieve the deepest of sleep cycles. It is also derived from serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can be depleted by the production of excess cortisol, a hormone that is produced under high amounts of stress.

I recommend that you establish a protocol that will support your digestive tract, immune system, endocrine system, and brain health. Ingesting foods that will not inflame you, and assist in proper blood sugar balance (eating healthy protein and fat at regular intervals throughout the day); taking supportive nutrients such as Vitamin D3, and fish oils, along with adrenal-supportive herbs, such as rhodiola, eleuthero, holy basil, and ashwanganda (these keep your cortisol and adrenalin in balance). Also, anti-inflammatory nutrients such as tumeric, green tea, and flavinoids, and brain supportive nutrients such as vinpocetene, ginko biloba, and cayenne are helpful. Keeping all of these systems healthy goes a long way towards ensuring that your body repairs and regenerates throughout the year, and maintains a healthy response to the stressors of our global environment.

If you do succumb to allergic symptoms, consider making an appointment to treat these symptoms with a technique called NAET- Namudrapad Allergy Elimination Technique. This can greatly reduce or eliminate your allergic symptoms.

Contact me for holistic treatments for allergies.
More holistic health information.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Holistic Health Information Healing “Leaky Gut” Syndrome

I am inspired to share with you the importance of healing the intestinal tract, and eradicating the “Leaky Gut Syndrome” that plagues so many of us. The intestinal tract is, after all, the mother of the body. Its function is to break down all the nutrients we ingest, so they can be absorbed through the intestinal wall. These vital nutrients are then delivered to every cell in our body, via the blood stream. Without an intact and healthy intestinal wall, this process is not possible.

Ingesting inflammatory foods such as gluten, casein (a milk protein), sugars, allergens, preservatives, additives and alcohol, just to mention several, leads to chronic inflammation and irritation of the lining, subsequently leading to a wearing away, until small holes are formed. These holes then allow large molecules of food, which are not normally able to pass through, into our blood stream, to initiate an activation of our immune cells and the production of allergic and antibody proteins. This leads to severe food sensitivities, and/or protein intolerances.

In the spirit of renewal, I am embarking on a healing journey of my intestinal tract and will be starting a 45-60 day “Leaky Gut” repair program as of 1/03/2010. This program entails a restrictive diet, which eliminates all allergenic and inflammatory foods, and ingestion of healing/repair nutrients for two weeks.

The next 21-day stage includes a medical food that helps to detoxify the liver, and continues to heal the intestinal tract, as well as a combination of potent herbal supplements that kill any yeast, parasites, or bacterial overgrowth that may have developed, due to the inflamed and compromised intestinal tract.

The third and last stage of 30 days includes taking an effective pro-biotic supplement to re-establish the healthy flora necessary for optimal intestinal health. Each stage allows you to gradually and systematically increase the variety of foods you will be able to ingest..

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to healing “leaky guy syndrome.”
More holistic health information.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Holistic Health Information: Gluten Intolerance


 I am inspired to address the issue of gluten intolerance and celiac disease this month. There is now evidence that over 35% of Americans are subject to these two conditions. The effects of consuming this protein are far reaching. It is found in wheat, rye, barley, spelt, kamut, soy-isolated protein, and soy sauce. It is also found as an additive in packaged and prepared foods, disguised as modified starch; in every pain killer as a filler; and many prescription drugs. It is also present oats and corn that have been milled in the same place, or cooked in the same oil as wheat products.

The effect of gluten intolerance goes beyond the inflammatory effects on the digestive tract. It can also inflame your brain, pancreas, liver, bladder, skin, and possibly, any organ in the body. In a study done with gluten intolerant people, an MRI was taken of their brains while still consuming gluten-containing foods. The MRI’s showed extensive plaque throughout their brain tissue, similar to that which is seen in MS patients.

After instructing these patients to undergo a 100% gluten-free diet for 6-8 months, the MRI’s were done again. The images revealed that the plaque had been almost completely eradicated. This is due to the fact that gluten inflames and triggers an aggressive antigenic immune response in the body that is very destructive.

When the inflammatory response goes on for years in the digestive tract, the ultimate consequence is called “leaky gut.” Leaky gut refers to the fact that the intestinal lining has been inflamed for so long that it now has little holes over much of it. This leads to incomplete digestion and absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Normally, the small intestine finishes the digestion process, and allows for small nutrient particles to cross the lining and enter the blood stream for distribution throughout the body. When there are holes in the lining, this process is incomplete, and much bigger particles of carbohydrates, proteins and fats cross the lining and enter the blood stream.

When this happens, our white blood cells do not recognize these particles as food, rather they consider them foreign invaders, and start attacking them. Since we are also made of these building blocks, our white blood cells (the immune soldiers of the body) get confused and cannot distinguish between us and these undigested particles, and then attack our tissues. This leads to autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroid disease, etc.

The only definitive way to test for gluten and celiac disease is to do genetic testing through a lab called Entero-Labs. Because the immune system in people that have been exposed to gluten for many years is less than optimal, and the cells that produce antibodies may be compromised, conventional blood and biopsy tests may produce false negative results. I encourage my patients that present with autoimmune symptoms to use this genetic testing.

There is a wonderful website I recommend to all of my gluten-intolerant and celiac patients, that gives multiple resources for finding gluten-free products, restaurants, cooking classes, and educational resources to live a gluten-free lifestyle:

I carry a gluten digestive enzyme formula that can be taken when people are inadvertently exposed to gluten and want to minimize the inflammatory effects.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Holistic Health Information: The Importance of Water


The importance of consuming water and hydrating our bodies is paramount for optimal health. Our bodies are composed of 90% water! The ideal amount of water that a body needs is 1 quart for every 50 lbs. of weight. I must stress that water is the only thing that hydrates the body, whether you are consuming filtered, spring, sparkling, mineral, purified, or distilled water. Everything else; tea (herbal or caffeinated), coffee, juice, soda, wine, beer, alcoholic beverages, milk, kefir, etc. take stored water form the body to be processed through by the body’s systems.

Hydration is tricky – many people have difficulty retaining and absorbing enough water. There are several ways you can increase your chances of absorbing and hydrating your cells and tissues. One method is to add a few drops of your favorite juice to the water you drink. This changes the molecular structure of the water, and allows your body to absorb more of it. Add only enough drops to barely color the water.

A very useful and well-formulated product, called Rehydration (made by Energetix) helps with hydration. This product is made from a variety of homeopathic substances that aid in the body’s ability to utilize and absorb water more efficiently and effectively.

There are also electrolyte formulas (found in fitness stores and bike shops) that, if added in small quantities to your drinking water, enhance absorption and hydration.

Water is vital for skin elasticity and reduction of dryness, elimination of wastes, absorption of nutrients, lymphatic drainage, delivery of all nutrients, and energy production at the cellular level. The body can survive without food for a period of weeks, but one cannot live without water for more than several days.

The earth mirrors the body’s need for water. Without fresh water, our Earth would be an arid, dead planet. The Earth has more water over its surface than land. Just like we must hydrate our bodies we must remember to conserve and protect our Earths most precious and vital resource WATER!

Please remember to drink plenty of water and hydrate your body after you receive chiropractic adjustments! Your body will stay more stable, and release toxins that chiropractic adjustments and massage mobilize. All of your nutritional supplements and homeopathic remedies will be more efficiently utilized and absorbed.

Author Bio:
Dr. Novick is a Chiropractor in Encinitas and also the leading expert on Gluten Free Living. Dr. Novick takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs using holistic, natural therapies such as homeopathy, bach flowers, functional medicine or chiropractic care which nurture the body’s innate health system, and address the root cause of each person’s individual health issues.

Image Source: bariskintowels

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Holistic Health Information: Fall Immune System Boosts


 As the fall approaches, and all of us gear up for cooler weather and the threat of the cold and flu season, it’s time to strengthen and boost the immune system with preventative nutritional and stress-reducing measures.You can boost your immune system by: getting a deep, restful 8 hours of sleep nightly; taking 15 minutes a day to engage in the restorative pose; and eating varied natural whole foods, especially the seasonal ones which include the root (vegetables, apples, pears, tangerines, persimmons, squash, etc.)cooking warm foods, like soups, casseroles, and baked dishes, helps keep your spleen, a crucial immune organ, warm and healthy. The cold fresh foods of summer will deplete it.Vitamins A, C and D also help keep the immune system supported, especially the respiratory tract. In addition, taking about 30mg/day of zinc, is also crucial in protecting and supporting the immune system.Nutritional immune boosters include colostrum, reishi, shitake and maitake mushroom complexes, Echinacea, astragalus, and pro-biotics. Homeopathic flu remedies can also be taken preventative to serve as vaccine-like protectors. Oscillococcinum, taken one dose every 12 hours, three consecutive times, inoculates your body to over 100 different kinds of viruses, without the negative side effects of medical vaccines.Avoiding or greatly moderating the intake of refined sugar, coffee, and alcohol reduces the introduction of damaging chemicals and destroyers of your immune system and adrenal glands. Maintaining a strong, healthy immune system and protecting your adrenal glands from the ravages of stress go a long way in preventing any viral infection from settling into your body.Schedule an appointment today, to determine which immune-boosting strategies and supplements will be best for you! Visit my Encinitas chiropractor office for specials on wellness and chiropractic.Wishing you all a healthy and strong Fall,Dr. Debbie Novick

The Importance of Sleep

As the holidays approach, and we encounter colder weather, family gatherings, more sugar in the diet, big meals, travel, parties, and alcohol consumption, our immune system and adrenals get taxed and challenged. It is a time of year to be reminded to moderate, take time to rest, and take extra care. Continuing our intake of immune protective vitamins is also important.Getting eight hours of restful sleep every night is crucial, as this is the only time our brain and body are undergoing repair and regeneration. The first four hours of sleep are used to repair the physical body, while the last four hours are intended for psychic and emotional regeneration and repair. In addition, in the first hours of sleep, our brain produces its highest amount of growth hormone and melatonin. Growth hormone is responsible for the growth of new and healthier cells in every tissue and organ of the body. This production is dependent on the quantity of DHEA being produced by the brain and body. When we manage our stress levels and balance our lifestyle, this hormone is in abundance. Melatonin has a nightly rhythm that gradually increases as we approach midnight, and then declines in daylight. Melatonin is an anti-oxidant, and mood stabilizer, and allows our brain to achieve the deepest of sleep cycles. It is also derived from serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can be depleted by the production of excess cortisol, a hormone that is produced under high amounts of stress. As you can see, sleep is crucial for optimal brain health and physical and emotional well being. I am pleased to offer acupuncture and oriental medicine services in my Encinitas chiropractor office from a talented acupuncturist, Susie Orenstein Turner. She specializes in pain/injuries, gynecology, anxiety, depression, immunity and pediatrics. You can schedule chiropractic and acupuncture on the same visit.Please call her at 858 270 3834

A Healthy Brain, Holisticallly!

Schedule an appointment today in my Encinitas chiropractor office, to see how your own brain health can be enhanced holistically!Via a brain health questionnaire, and specialized supplements designed to restore the balance of neurotransmitters, I can provide a service that is a healthy alternative to the plethora of medical drugs for depression, anxiety, memory challenges, and so many of the other mental disorders plaguing our culture.In the past two years, by going to seminars about brain health, I have come to understand that in order to best serve my patients’ overall wellness, I must assess and educate them about the importance of having a healthy brain. This is a very substantial part of my practice. Finally, stimulation is necessary for proper brain function and health. This stimulation is sometimes external, such as: reading, exercising, doing mathematical operations, engaging in artistic activities, learning new skills, etc. There is also the need for internal stimulation – in the form of a balanced production of neurotransmitters. The brain monitors and integrates itself, based on the amount and equilibrium of the various neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, and gaba.The brain requires three very important things to function optimally. The first is a regular supply of glucose (the only fuel and energy source it can use). Glucose is delivered by our body through the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fat. Oxygen is another vital requirement – without it, our brain will die in minutes. Oxygen is supplied by our red blood cells.The brain is the central computer of the body, which monitors and regulates many body processes on an on-going basis. Some of these functions are run automatically, and some require our conscious control and direction.During the height of the holiday season, a large percentage of the population suffers from more emotional stress, brought on by the memories of or current dysfunctional family dynamics, as well as the demands of the season.

Image Source:  robinthomas

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Holistic Health Information Regular Chiropractic Care Boosts Your Overall Health


 Addressing your spinal alignment is a vital part of staying healthy and maintaining balance. This time of year, many of us spend more time in cars transporting ourselves and our families back and forth to their various activities.

Coming in to get your monthly adjustment will also allow you to improve your immune response, as the cold and flu season approaches. In addition spinal alignments have been shown to improve performance in fitness activities, reduce repetitive motion stressors to your entire body, improve your posture, and reduce mental/emotional stress.

Chiropractic care can directly affect and maintain the health of your nervous system. Keeping your nerves functioning by reducing and eliminating pressure on them, and reducing the effects of being misaligned, will help your entire body and mind function optimally.

The brain and spinal cord are the undisputed commanders of all organs and systems of the body. They are housed in the skull and spinal column, and contain 12-15 billion nerve cells. The brain is the most active organ. It uses 45% of the oxygen we breathe, and 2/3 of the energy producing glucose (from foods) we ingest.

The brain and spinal cord must constantly monitor incoming nerve messages from all parts of the body, which inform it of the exact demands the organs, and tissues must meet to maintain good health. Upon receiving these demands, it immediately issues the responses necessary to meet them.

For the brain to function properly, however, as the supreme commander of all the body’s organs and systems, there must be no interference in the receiving and sending of signals. The messages must flow both ways loud and clear.

Your chiropractor is the best-qualified person to see that the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) is free from impediment, so that it may continue to do the fantastic job for which it was designed.

For the sick individual, chiropractic is a means of restoring health.By opening up nerve channels, the body is then able to heal itself. For the healthy individual, it is a periodic check-up to insure early correction of potential nerve interference.

Image Source: vitaminsupplementer