Friday, 19 July 2013

Holistic Health Information A Holistic Approach to Healing Inflammation


This month, I am compelled to address inflammation. This topic has been addressed multiple times, in many publications, as the single most causative factor for all degenerative diseases. I will expand on this concept, and inform you as to the extent that this “silent killer” can affect the brain and body.

It is a common misconception that inflammation only happens when one has an injury. Actually it is happening all the time – every time you breathe pollution, and the free radicals are destroying the mucus membranes of your respiratory tract, there is inflammation. Whenever there are allergic symptoms of runny nose or itchy eyes or rashes there is inflammation. Every time you go in the sun and expose your skin to radiation, there is inflammation. Your brain gets inflamed whenever you drink alcohol, or ingest any proteins you cannot digest like gluten and casein. Whenever you do not eat properly, and you let your blood sugar drop; when you have a fever; when you injure your head, there is inflammation. Arthritis of the joints is ongoing inflammation; exercise causes inflammation; and, heartburn causes inflammation to the esophagus and stomach.

As you can see, inflammation is always happening, and we are not always aware of it. That is why it is called the “silent killer”. This is the cause of many degenerative diseases including: joint pain, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and high cholesterol, as well as autoimmune diseases like MS, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

On the other hand, we need a controlled amount of inflammation to heal injury. This is necessary to resolve the damage that occurs when we have minor cuts, or bruises, or major injuries such as broken bones or surgeries. The key is in the controlled amount of inflammation, rather than the out of control excessive inflammation that is damaging and leads to the above-mentioned conditions.

There are various ways to neutralize inflammation:

•Using homeopathic formulations like Arnica Montana 200C reduces and aids the body in healing the effects of inflammation from injuries.

•Stress reduction is crucial, since cortisol and adrenaline promote more inflammation, and interfere with the body’s ability to control and resolve it.

•Taking adaptogens and the amino acid phospatidyl serine, which help reduce the excess production of adrenaline and cortisol.

•Meditation and prayer and the use of the restorative pose all aid in reducing inflammation.

•Maintaining blood sugar stability is also crucial, since insulin resistance and hypoglycemia both lead to increased production of adrenaline, which then leads to the dis-regulation of cortisoThis month, I am compelled to address inflammation. This topic has been addressed multiple times, in many publications, as the single most causative factor for all degenerative diseases. I will expand on this concept, and inform you as to the extent that this “silent killer” can affect the brain and body.

It is a common misconception that inflammation only happens when one has an injury. Actually it is happening all the time – every time you breathe pollution, and the free radicals are destroying the mucus membranes of your respiratory tract, there is inflammation. Whenever there are allergic symptoms of runny nose or itchy eyes or rashes there is inflammation. Every time you go in the sun and expose your skin to radiation, there is inflammation. Your brain gets inflamed whenever you drink alcohol, or ingest any proteins you cannot digest like gluten and casein. Whenever you do not eat properly, and you let your blood sugar drop; when you have a fever; when you injure your head, there is inflammation. Arthritis of the joints is ongoing inflammation; exercise causes inflammation; and, heartburn causes inflammation to the esophagus and stomach.

As you can see, inflammation is always happening, and we are not always aware of it. That is why it is called the “silent killer”. This is the cause of many degenerative diseases including: joint pain, cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, and high cholesterol, as well as autoimmune diseases like MS, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

On the other hand, we need a controlled amount of inflammation to heal injury. This is necessary to resolve the damage that occurs when we have minor cuts, or bruises, or major injuries such as broken bones or surgeries. The key is in the controlled amount of inflammation, rather than the out of control excessive inflammation that is damaging and leads to the above-mentioned conditions.

There are various ways to neutralize inflammation:

•Using homeopathic formulations like Arnica Montana 200C reduces and aids the body in healing the effects of inflammation from injuries.

•Stress reduction is crucial, since cortisol and adrenaline promote more inflammation, and interfere with the body’s ability to control and resolve it.

•Taking adaptogens and the amino acid phospatidyl serine, which help reduce the excess production of adrenaline and cortisol.

•Meditation and prayer and the use of the restorative pose all aid in reducing inflammation.

•Maintaining blood sugar stability is also crucial, since insulin resistance and hypoglycemia both lead to increased production of adrenaline, which then leads to the dis-regulation of cortisol. This, in turn, contributes to excess inflammation, and destruction of all tissues in the body. This can also increase immune system stress, that can ultimately lead to food sensitivities and autoimmune conditions.

•Using herbal formulas and minerals such as chromium picolinate that address and restore normal insulin function can help with this.

•There are also proteolytic enzyme formulas that help in the reduction, and/or control of the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body like protease, bromelain, and papain.

•Herbal formulas also aid in reduction and control of inflammatory chemical production like curcumin, and other antioxidants.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to healing inflammation.

More holistic health information. l. This, in turn, contributes to excess inflammation, and destruction of all tissues in the body. This can also increase immune system stress, that can ultimately lead to food sensitivities and autoimmune conditions.

•Using herbal formulas and minerals such as chromium picolinate that address and restore normal insulin function can help with this.

•There are also proteolytic enzyme formulas that help in the reduction, and/or control of the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body like protease, bromelain, and papain.

•Herbal formulas also aid in reduction and control of inflammatory chemical production like curcumin, and other antioxidants.

More holistic health information.

Image Source: maryvancnec

Thursday, 4 July 2013


What happens when your immune system forgets that you are you?

This month I am face to face with the astounding fact that 53,000,000 people are affected by autoimmune conditions in the United States alone!

One of the leading 10 causes of death in the US!

1:7 Men & 1:5 Women are affected!

Autoimmunity erodes quality of life for decades. People suffer greatly and die slowly and painfully from the effects.

Early detection is key, antibodies appear much earlier than the onset of autoimmunity.

Environmental factors are the initiators of antibody production and eventual autoimmunity. The three main contributors are:

2.Exposure to Toxic Chemicals- Breathing them in, or placing them on our skin in the form of cosmetics and soaps.
3.Proteins we ingest such as gluten, dairy, soy, and eggs. GMO foods are introducing new proteins that stimulate the production of new antibodies.

Through the use of a Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen (antibody blood test) one can detect and prevent autoimmunity and implement therapeutic measures to restore balance and reverse antibody production.

White blood cells develop and mature in your bone marrow and then migrate to the Thymus gland where any antibody toward self is neutralized by a special molecule that destroys these antibodies. Aging declines the effectiveness of this mechanism.

A second layer of protection exists in the blood where certain white blood cells called regulatory T cells will destroy self-antibodies as well.
When these systems fail due to the onslaught of the environmental factors autoimmunity develops.

Prevention of Autoimmune Disease

1.Define the genetic make up of the person- Screen for genes.

2. Identify the environmental triggers- Assess for infections, exposure to toxins, and dietary protein consumption.

3.Identify the antibody production- Prescribe a Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen (50% off for the next 90 days with Cyrex Labs). Run a baseline and then re-test in six months to assess interventions. Identifying the development of antibodies enables a practitioner to diagnose before symptoms begin and predict organ involvement and disease flares. As well as make clinically meaningful decisions to predict response to therapies and explain organ tissue damage.

4.Develop preventative interventions. To include lifestyle, dietary modifications, and therapeutic supplementation.

The research literature is confirming that the consumption of milk leads to autoimmunity of the pancreas and specifically the cells that produce insulin, which results in Type I diabetes.

There is also evidence that the body seems to be attacking our enzymes more preferentially. Some examples of this are:

Antibodies to the cells of the stomach lining leading to gastritis, pernicious anemia, and ulcers.

Development of insulin antibodies leads to chronic and unresolved hypoglycemia.

Antibodies to Intrinsic Factor leading to vasculitis, Cohn’s disease, and Ulcerative Colitis.

Antibodies to Myelin leading to the development of Autism triggered by exposure to heavy metals, molds, and other environmental toxins.

There is also evidence that 25% of the population will develop Multiple Auto immune Syndrome.

Take control of your health and come in to assess your risk of developing autoimmune disease today!

Contact me to schedule your next visit.

Image Source: yang-sheng

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Holistic Health Information A Holistic Approach to Heart Health

February is heart health month, and a month that we focus on love, because of Valentine’s Day. But, it’s also a good time to love yourself, and your let your heart chakra (energy center for the heart) be expanded by giving to yourself, and healing the heart physically and emotionally.

Heart disease is the number one killer in our society, yet, many of its causes are preventable.

High cholesterol is one of the primary epidemics in this country. We see commercials for drugs that are given to those that suffer from this condition bombarding the media daily. The propaganda that a high fat diet is the primary cause of cholesterol issues is simply not true. Cholesterol is a molecule that the liver produces to make our sex hormones and other hormonal products in the body. It also is manufactured to plug up inflammatory damage to the arteries – it is the way the body fills in the holes caused by inflammation in our vascular system and heart.

The cholesterol drugs just stop the liver from releasing the cholesterol it produces, eventually causing a fatty liver. That is why patients are told to have liver tests every 90 days, in order to monitor the health of their liver, when taking these drugs. Reducing inflammation in the body is primary in preventing many diseases, and eliminating or reducing high cholesterol production.

There are many nutritional nutrients and herbs that control and reduce inflammation, and keep our circulatory system healthy and free of damage. A great formula I use and prescribe in my practice is Cholestar. In addition, reducing or eliminating the intake of inflammatory foods (coffee, alcohol, sugar, trans fats, preservatives, & gluten) is a must in achieving a healthy heart.

Homocysteine is another harmful molecule that causes damage to the circulatory system, by injuring the lining of the arteries, and causing the body to create clots that lead to strokes. This molecule is produced because of exposure to pollution, food preservatives, toxins in the environment, and free radicals. There are also nutrients that neutralize this chemical, and keep our circulatory system functional and healthy. One nutrient formula I prescribe for this is called Methyl SP. This formula assists the liver in functioning optimally to neutralize homocysteine.

Reducing stress is also another necessity in maintaining heart health. The higher the stress, the more likely it is that inflammation and free radical damage will double or triple its detrimental effects on the heart and circulatory system. Massage, yoga, meditation, hot baths, the daily restorative pose, and exercise are some of the ways that we can contribute and implement preventative measures.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to heart health.

More holistic health information. 

Image Source: mybodyhealth

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Holistic Health Information A Holistic Approach to Heart Health

Heart disease is still the number one killer in the nation. Preventative measures include a whole foods and varied diet, that consists of high fiber foods such as ground flax seeds, vegetables and fruits. There is also a need for Omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol is not the only factor that can causes heart disease Exposure to homocysteine, a molecule that is destructive to blood vessels and can cause blood clots and heart attacks, must be kept in check by consumption of Vitamin B12, B6, trimethylglycine, choline, folic acid, and minerals.

Aerobic exercise is also crucial for heart muscle health and strength, as well as reducing overall stress. Hardening of the arteries has long been associated with the production of damaging molecules, called iNOS- inducible nitric oxide, which our body produces when there is inflammation, autoimmune deregulation, or disease. We also produce a nitric oxide that is reparative to blood vessels, but we may not have the raw materials to produce enough. There is now a supplement called Nitric Balance, which provides these nutrients, and helps heal blood vessels, and soften arteries.

Chiropractic adjustments can also improve heart health, as they have been proven to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure is another concern, which is a consequence of life stress and weight gain. Reducing stress and maintaining adrenal health go a long way to reducing blood pressure, and supporting heart health.

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to heart health.

More holistic health information.

Image Source: eternalifeblog

Monday, 1 July 2013

Holistic Health Information Electromagnetic Pollution

I am inspired to address a subject that I am learning more and more about as technology bombards us globally and personally. Electromagnetic pollution is getting worse by the second. The sources are numerous, and multi-factorial. There is the cell phone that we use constantly, and place next to our brain; blue tooth wireless that injects this lethal radiation directly into the brain; computer screens and hard drives that we sit at for hours daily; giant electrical towers; our televisions which are getting larger every day; compact light bulbs; every appliance we plug into the wall; the portable phone; the microwave and convection oven; radio waves; microwaves; etc.

Our bodies get bombarded by radiation on an ongoing basis. There is now proof in the research literature that this electromagnetic pollution, especially cell phones, and blue tooth devices cause brain cancer.

This electromagnetic pollution is also short-circuiting our nervous system, and disrupting our ability to think clearly and function. For those of you that use muscle testing, this is guaranteed to cause you to get crossed or switched instantly. Holding a cell phone that is turned on causes weakness to the entire body.

So, what can we do to neutralize or minimize these effects?

To begin with, make sure you use a headset that allows you to keep the cell phone as far away from your brain as possible. Whenever possible, place the phone down next to you, instead of holding it in your hand or on your body. In addition, keep as many things as possible unplugged from the outlet until you need them. This also saves you on energy usage, and you contribute to the reduction green house gases. Do not stand next to the microwave or convection while you are using it.

I have recently learned of technology that comes from Germany that cannot only neutralizes the effect of electromagnetic pollution for hours, but also restores the electromagnetism of your cells to the frequency of the Earth. Normal cellular energy ensures healthy, vibrant, and vital cells. This technology is now available in the form of a mat that you lay on for 8-16 minutes, called the MRS2000+. I will now have it available in my practice as an adjunct treatment to all of my sessions.

“Magnetic field therapy is one of the world’s oldest forms of healing. It was the center of the medical philosophy and practice of the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians and South American Indians. The medieval Swiss alchemist, physician, and astronomer, Paracelsus, documented the efficacy of magnetic fields in the 1500’s. In the 20th century, the first clinical studies took place in Russia and Japan, and were followed by groundbreaking work from Germany’s Professor Lechner and Professor Ascherl.

The latest insights gathered through scientific and medical research show that not every type of magnetic field is effective in treating living organisms. It is now known that pulsating oscillations, equal to the vibrations of the Earth’s own magnetic field, can work on every cell of our body, as long as they have the correct intensity, information content, and resonance characteristics. How? Through the ion exchange of our current-conducting cell membranes.

With the aid of a correctly-regulated pulsating electromagnetic field, our own body’s energy fields are reinforced. Our metabolism is improved, and the energy of each individual cell increases. This is why we call it “magnetic-resonance-stimulation” (MRS).

Contact me to learn more about holistic approaches to dealing with electromagnetic pollution.

More holistic health information. 

Image Source: orgon