Thursday, 11 October 2012

Celiac Disease – A Common Health Condition In Americans

Did you know that there are almost two million Americans who suffer from celiac disease? Yes, that’s right! However, most of them are not aware they have gluten intolerance; a common dilemma found in the United States and Europe.
“Fasano said that despite how common the condition is in the U.S, he's not surprised that few people have been diagnosed with it.
"The symptoms are so vague and non-specific that it's very difficult to point to celiac disease when you have (for instance) chronic fatigue or anemia or joint pain," Fasano said.”
Despite the fact that it is widespread among Americans, it is not surprising that only a few have been diagnosed with this condition. This is because the symptoms are inexplicable and standard medical tests do not detect it.
“Celiac disease is mainly a gastrointestinal disorder, and when people who have it eat gluten, they experience an immune reaction that damages the intestinal lining.”
The extensive prevalence of this condition motivated researchers to collect statistical data to more accurately estimate the number of celiac disease sufferers in the U.S.
“Dr. James Everhart, at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, along with colleagues at the Mayo Clinic and in Sweden, used data from a large, ongoing national study of health and nutrition.
About 7,800 people participated in the celiac survey, and gave a blood sample that was tested for signs of the immune response to gluten that characterizes celiac disease.
The researchers, who published their study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, found evidence of celiac disease in 35 people, 29 of whom were not aware of their sensitivity to gluten.
Six of the 35 people with celiac disease were not white.
Everhart says that based on the number of non-whites in the study - 4,368 - having just six test positive illustrates that celiac disease is pretty rare among non-whites.
"I think we confirmed the clinical suspicion that this is largely a condition found among non-Hispanic whites in this country," he told Reuters Health.”
The prevention of celiac disease can be managed by following a gluten-free diet as well as a “Leaky Gut” repair program. That is, gluten intolerance patients should refrain from consuming wheat, rye, spelt, kamut, oats, and barley. Celiac disease is quite difficult to detect especially in people who do not show symptoms of any kind. And be aware, this could develop at any age.
"If you don't have symptoms, it's hard to say categorically that identifying you as having this condition is going to do a lot of good at this point. That's for (other) studies to determine," said Everhart.”
The study initiated by Everhart together with his colleagues continues to survey the gathering of more data to determine whichgroup of people is most at risk of succumbing to celiac disease. They are also trying to discover how health differs from those people with celiac disease from those without such condition.  

Researchers have also found that there is a direct correlation between damage to the intestinal lining and the development of autoimmune disease and that there is a much larger group of people that are not celiac but definitely gluten intolerant, that go undetected and undiagnosed far more frequently than celiac sufferers, they estimate that over 40% of the population is at risk 
The statistics show that autoimmune disease is the number one cause of mortality today, this includes Rhumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Diabetes, Hashimoto’s Thyroidits, MS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, Ankilosing Spondilitis, and many more.  There are 56,000,000 people diagnosed and who knows how many others that have not been detected! Is gluten the common denominator in all of this? Are you at risk? Autoimmune disease can be silent until it is too late.

Article Source: today.msnbc.msn

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About the Author:

Dr. Novick is the leading expert on Gluten Free Living. Dr. Novick takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs using holistic, natural therapies such as homeopathy, bach flowers, functional medicine or chiropractic care which nurture the body’s innate health system, and address the root cause of each person’s individual health issues.

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