Friday 30 November 2012

6 Ways To Become Successful in Your Weight Loss Routine

Weight loss programs are sprouting here and there but are not all effective as they promise. Many times you hear people say “I’ve tried this and that but nothing has changed.” To make matters worse, some people gained all the weight back and more, after painstakingly going from one to another fad diet.

A lot of people have become gullible victims of outright weight loss scams and programs that promise quick and easy weight loss.  What everyone is not aware of, is that the main foundation of a successful weight loss program is a diet that teaches you to choose the foods that increase your metabolism, requires that you eat frequently (every 2-3 hrs throughout the day,  a healthy tailored exercise program, as well as providing strategies that effectively allow you to change your relationship to food leading to permanent lifestyle changes. This is how you will achieve optimal weight and transform your health and wellness.

So how do you successfully make these permanent lifestyle changes? Here are some  helpful strategies to take into consideration in order to be successful at achieving optimal weight.

1. Be Committed

For permanent weight loss to occur, it is going to take some serious time and effort, including a lifetime of commitment to achieve success. Be certain that you are ready to commit to making permanent changes and that you are able to do this for reasons that will keep you motivated and on track.

In order to stay committed to achieving optimal weight, the first thing that you need to do is to stay focused. It will take a lot of physical and mental energy for you to change old habits that you have created and cemented into your subconscious mind. Create a plan for yourself, first and foremost,when you are planning to apply new weight loss strategies, address stress factors such as relationship conflicts and financial challenges. Although not all of these stresses  could really go away fully, being able to manage them will allow you to focus more on achieving a lifestyle that is healthier. After you are prepared to start your weight loss plan, set a date and then  stay commited to get started.

2. Find What Motivates You

No one can help you achieve optimal weight. If you are determined  to undertake exercise and dietary changes It has to begin within you. Figure out what is going to give you that desire to stick to achieving your goal of reaching your  optimal weight. Create a list of reasons that you consider important to aid you in staying focused and motivated, whether it is a vacation with the family or to just enjoy better health. It is these reasons or goals that you are motivated to find ways to reach your desired weight. More so, it is from these desires that you stay the course and avoid temptation that derails your plan.

As you take responsibility of your own actions you will  get closer to your optimal weight. In addition, having friends and family around you that support you and encourage you is crucial. Surround yourself with individuals who will encourage and support you by uplifting you. The ideal people would be those who are willing to listen to your feelings and concerns and will spend time exercising with you and joining you in your choice of foods. A support group also provides you with accountability, which further serrves to motivate you and stick to your goals.

3. Set Goals That are Realistic

Although it may seem like something obvious,  not everybody knows how to set realistic goals. In the long term, it is good to just aim at losing 1 or 2 pounds each week, although you may start losing more than that at first if you really make significant changes. In order to lose 1 to 2 pounds in a week, you will have to burn 500 to 1,000 calories over that of what you consume in each day. This can be achieved by having a low glycemic diet and consistent exercise.

Whenever you are setting goals, you must always think about the process and its outcome. Being able to exercise regularly is one example of a process goal, while an outcome goal is that of  dropping 30 pounds. It is not really necessary to have an outcome goal, but it is important to have a process goal because being able to change your process is one of the keys to losing weight.

4. Start Eating Healthy Foods

Strictly follow a healthy eating lifestyle that is able to promote weight loss with the inclusion of eliminating food with high glycemic index. You do not have to give up on satisfaction, meal preparation and taste is absolutely possible in order to to achieve a low glycemic program . Eating more plant-based foods is one way to start lowering your high sugar intake. Aim for variety in order to help you in achieving your goals without having to lose nutritional value or taste.

5. Staying Active

Although it is possible to lose weight even without exercise, doing this with the help of a low glycemic restricted diet can give you the edge in weight loss. This is because exercise can assist you in burning fat, especially the excess calories that cannot be eliminated just by dieting. Aside from that, exercise provides you with crucial benefits to the body such as improved cardiovascular health and reduced blood pressure. This will also be one of the key factors in maintaining weight loss. Many studies have confirmed that people who have maintained their weight loss regime have been engaging in regular physical exercises.

The amount of calories that you will burn depends on the duration, intensity and frequency of the activities done. A 30-45 minute interval training routine is one of the best ways to reduce body fat. Other non-sedentary  activities can be easy to fit into your schedule. You just have to come up with ways that you can increase your physical activity in a day wherever you are, like park far from entrances to stores and work, take the long way around, go up two steps at a time instead of one, etc.

6. Change your Perspective

Eating healthy foods and exercising  only a few weeks or months is not enough if you want to  successfully achieve long term optimal weight. These habits will have to become a part of your life. Changes in your lifestyle are going to start when you take an honest look at your daily routine and eating patterns. Once you have assessed your personal challenges in losing weight, try to work out on a strategy that will eventually help you change your attitudes and habits which have sabotaged your efforts in the past. You will also have to deal with these challenges if you plan to succeed in losing weight once and for all.

Author Bio:
Dr. Debbie Novick is an expert on holistic approaches to weight loss. She also takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs using holistic, natural therapies such as homeopathy, bach flowers, functional medicine or chiropractic care which nurture the body’s innate health system, and address the root cause of each person’s individual health issues.

Image Source: reduce84098

Thursday 8 November 2012

Power Foods for New Moms

Dr. Novick specializes in chiropractic care, functional medicine, bach flowers, homeopathy, and gluten free living. She is committed to addressing health issues through holistic and natural therapies and takes time to create a treatment plan tailored to each person’s specific health needs. She also enjoys writing health and wellness related articles.

The best thing new moms can do for themselves and their baby is to eat a healthy diet. Although some of you may already be in a hurry to lose those extra pounds, for new moms, eating foods that boost your energy, such as protein and healthy fats,  at regular intervals throughout the day, will allow you to have the stamina that you need in order to meet the demands of  being a mother. This is due to the fact that eating foods rich in nutrients during regular intervals in a day will keep your metabolism high and give you  the energy you need to keep up in your new role. Below is a list of nutritious foods that will help your body and keep the baby happy and healthy.


Although there is no such thing as food that is perfect, salmon comes really close when it comes to the nutrition needs for new moms. Just like any other fatty fish out there, salmon is packed with a type of fat known as DHA. This nutrient is important in developing the nervous system of the baby. And even though all breast milk has DHA, new moms that have more DHA in their diets will provide higher levels of this nutrient for their babies and their own brain..

Lean Beef

For new moms who are looking for foods that will improve their energy levels, foods that are rich in iron should be taken such as lean beef. A newly post pregnant mom that is lacking in iron can feel drained of their energy,  and this makes it hard to undertake the demands needed in taking care of a newborn baby. Iron is crucial for red blood cells to deliver oxygen to your brain and body.


Great breastfeeding food such as beans, most especially dark colored ones such as kidney beans are ideal for new moms. This is especially good for vegetarians as these are rich in iron,protein, and fiber as well as being affordable.


Moms who are breastfeeding should secure at least two or more servings of fruits on a daily basis. Blueberries, which are rich in antioxidants, are an ideal selection. These berries are packed with vitamins and minerals that will give you a healthy dose of complex carbohydrates to keep energy levels up and a sharp mind.

Brown Rice

Cutting back on carbohydrate consumption may be needed if you are planning to lose weight after pregnancy. Yet losing weight very fast may cause your body to produce less milk for the baby. That is why incorporating healthy and whole grain carbohydrates,  such as brown rice, in your diet is a good way to keep your energy levels high. Brown rice also provides your body with the calories that you need in order to produce the best quality milk for your baby.

Healthy Fats

Avocadoes, Coconut Oil, Olive OIl, and Grapeseed oils are very helpful in providing the essential fats your body and brain need to maintain healthy brain function, beautiful skin, reduce pain, and improve immune function.  All of these are important in resotring optimal weight and health post pregnancy. Include them in your cooking every day and both you and your baby will be much happier and healthier.

Image Source:
jlssls05f.g.77LostNCluelesshealthyfoodieThe Holistic Kitchen LLC

Thursday 11 October 2012

Celiac Disease – A Common Health Condition In Americans

Did you know that there are almost two million Americans who suffer from celiac disease? Yes, that’s right! However, most of them are not aware they have gluten intolerance; a common dilemma found in the United States and Europe.
“Fasano said that despite how common the condition is in the U.S, he's not surprised that few people have been diagnosed with it.
"The symptoms are so vague and non-specific that it's very difficult to point to celiac disease when you have (for instance) chronic fatigue or anemia or joint pain," Fasano said.”
Despite the fact that it is widespread among Americans, it is not surprising that only a few have been diagnosed with this condition. This is because the symptoms are inexplicable and standard medical tests do not detect it.
“Celiac disease is mainly a gastrointestinal disorder, and when people who have it eat gluten, they experience an immune reaction that damages the intestinal lining.”
The extensive prevalence of this condition motivated researchers to collect statistical data to more accurately estimate the number of celiac disease sufferers in the U.S.
“Dr. James Everhart, at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, along with colleagues at the Mayo Clinic and in Sweden, used data from a large, ongoing national study of health and nutrition.
About 7,800 people participated in the celiac survey, and gave a blood sample that was tested for signs of the immune response to gluten that characterizes celiac disease.
The researchers, who published their study in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, found evidence of celiac disease in 35 people, 29 of whom were not aware of their sensitivity to gluten.
Six of the 35 people with celiac disease were not white.
Everhart says that based on the number of non-whites in the study - 4,368 - having just six test positive illustrates that celiac disease is pretty rare among non-whites.
"I think we confirmed the clinical suspicion that this is largely a condition found among non-Hispanic whites in this country," he told Reuters Health.”
The prevention of celiac disease can be managed by following a gluten-free diet as well as a “Leaky Gut” repair program. That is, gluten intolerance patients should refrain from consuming wheat, rye, spelt, kamut, oats, and barley. Celiac disease is quite difficult to detect especially in people who do not show symptoms of any kind. And be aware, this could develop at any age.
"If you don't have symptoms, it's hard to say categorically that identifying you as having this condition is going to do a lot of good at this point. That's for (other) studies to determine," said Everhart.”
The study initiated by Everhart together with his colleagues continues to survey the gathering of more data to determine whichgroup of people is most at risk of succumbing to celiac disease. They are also trying to discover how health differs from those people with celiac disease from those without such condition.  

Researchers have also found that there is a direct correlation between damage to the intestinal lining and the development of autoimmune disease and that there is a much larger group of people that are not celiac but definitely gluten intolerant, that go undetected and undiagnosed far more frequently than celiac sufferers, they estimate that over 40% of the population is at risk 
The statistics show that autoimmune disease is the number one cause of mortality today, this includes Rhumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Diabetes, Hashimoto’s Thyroidits, MS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers, Ankilosing Spondilitis, and many more.  There are 56,000,000 people diagnosed and who knows how many others that have not been detected! Is gluten the common denominator in all of this? Are you at risk? Autoimmune disease can be silent until it is too late.

Article Source: today.msnbc.msn

Photo Credit:

About the Author:

Dr. Novick is the leading expert on Gluten Free Living. Dr. Novick takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs using holistic, natural therapies such as homeopathy, bach flowers, functional medicine or chiropractic care which nurture the body’s innate health system, and address the root cause of each person’s individual health issues.

The Role of Chiropractic In Patients Suffering From Body Pain

Have you ever felt different degrees of pain? I heard of a man who due to a repetitive motion stress injury caused severe pain in his hands. Even touching the keyboards of his computer was a struggle to him. To make things worse,  the injury was intensifying and spreading out to his shoulder, neck and back.

Normally, when we feel pain, fear begins to overtake us – right? However, the kind of pain this man experiences does not only evoke fear but also depression, anxiety, anger and irritability. Yet, looking at him, with all of the pain he was in, he appeared to be a healthy fellow.

That’s how pain is, a person looking at someone who is in pain may not be able to determine or measure the intensity of pain. A person with fibromyalgia for example, usually appears perfectly healthy on the surface.

In the United States alone, 10 percent of the population suffers from moderate to chronic pain and this becomes more prevalent as we age. New research shows, that seeing a chiropractor or engaging in light exercises may relieve pain more effectively than taking any form of pain medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen or any other over-the-counter pain relievers.

The new research published in The Annals of Internal Medicine has concluded that chiropractic care is a better option in addressing pain as compared to symptom relieving over the counter medicine . It may not relieve the pain instantaneously but overtime the pain  is reduced and/or completely eliminated and it does not return.

These pains crop up without explanation and treatment options are varied. Because of this, Dr. Bronfort was inspired to carry out an analysis on this matter since there are only a few research studies devoted to this subject.

“There was a void in the scientific literature in terms of what the most helpful treatments are,” he said.”

“To find out, Dr. Bronfort and his colleagues recruited a large group of adults with neck pain that had no known specific cause. The subjects, 272 in all, were mostly recruited from a large HMO and through advertisements. The researchers then split them into three groups and followed them for about three months.”

“One group was assigned to visit a chiropractor for roughly 20-minute sessions throughout the course of the study, making an average of 15 visits. A second group was assigned to take common pain relievers like acetaminophen and — in some cases, at the discretion of a doctor — stronger drugs like narcotics and muscle relaxants. The third group met on two occasions with physical therapists who gave them instructions on simple, gentle exercises for the neck that they could do at home. They were encouraged to do 5 to 10 repetitions of each exercise up to eight times a day. (A demonstration of the exercises can be found

“After 12 weeks, the people in the non-medication groups did significantly better than those taking the drugs. About 57 percent of those who met with chiropractors and 48 percent who did the exercises reported at least a 75 percent reduction in pain, compared to 33 percent of the people in the medication group.”

“A year later, when the researchers checked back in, 53 percent of the subjects who had received spinal manipulation still reported at least a 75 percent reduction in pain, similar to the exercise group. That compared to just a 38 percent pain reduction among those who had been taking medication.”
Ultimately, Dr. Bronfort’s biggest realization is the fact that the sufferer himself must willingly and positively take part to his care in order to achieve better outcomes. Correct mindset coupled with the proper approach,  are effective ways to reduce or eliminate any mild or chronic pain that an individual is trying to endure.

Article Source: well.blogs.nytimes

Photo Credit: This Year's Love Via Photo Pin cc

Author Bio: 

Dr. Novick is the leading expert on Gluten Free Living. Dr. Novick takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs using holistic, natural therapies such as homeopathy, bach flowers, functional medicine or chiropractic care which nurture the body’s innate health system, and address the root cause of each person’s individual health issues.

Do Something To Address Low Thyroid Function

Low thyroid function has become a pandemic fear among men and women around the world.
You may even have it! Studies show that 30M women and 15M men are affected with such a dilemma – leading them to decrease sex drive, depression, low energy, balding, anxiety, and difficulty in losing weight.

The good thing is…there is something you can do about it! First, you need to understand the causes of low thyroid function and why a lot of people experience this challenging health issue.
What Causes Chronic Low Thyroid Function?

This particular ailment is actually due to various factors; one of them is the environmental toxins we are exposed to; i.e. pesticides — which cause hormone or endocrine disruption that interferes with your thyroid hormone metabolism and function.

This is concluded in a study where people were observed to release pesticides from their fat tissue while losing weight. These toxins interfere with one’s thyroid function leading to hypothyroidism, thus slowing metabolism, which prevents a person from losing weight.
Heavy metals are another environmental toxin, particularly mercury, which interferes with normal thyroid function.

Chronic stress, however, is by far the biggest factor that interferes with normal thyroid function.
The more stressed you are, the worse it gets!

Chronic inflammation, which is usually the repercussion of consuming gluten products found in wheat, rye, barley, kamut, oats and spelt – is another cause for 15 to 30 percent of the population.

The common reason for this reaction is mostly due to poor diet, damage to your digestive system and stress.

Nutritional deficiencies play an integral part in thyroid dysfunction, particularly vitamin D, vitamin A, B vitamins, omega 3-fatty acids, selenium, rubidium, magnesium, and zinc.
There are actually more causes than are mentioned above, but are oftentimes ignored or glossed over. The best approach to combat this health issue is to investigate the often multi-faceted cause.

Ask your doctor to run some blood tests, including TSH, T3 Uptake, FTI, Free T3, Total T4 and Thyroid Antibodies. On the other hand, if you already know you have nutritional deficiencies,
such as vitamin D and A, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and the like, then begin by taking some of the nutrients you are lacking by eating a healthy diet and taking some supplements.

Anyway, to make sure that you are well aware of what you need to do, I wrote down some simple guidelines that you could use to address hypothyroidism. Remember, once you have confirmed you have even the slightest symptom of thyroid dysfunction, ACT right away. Don’t let a bad situation worsen and end up living a life of misery.

1.       Immediately identify the underlying causes of your thyroid dysfunction such as any food allergies or intolerances such as gluten or dairy, nutritional deficiencies and the like.

2. If you think you have nutritional deficiencies, make sure to have foods rich in minerals such as; zinc, selenium and more. Eat a variety of ORGANIC fresh fruits and vegetables!

3. Minimize any activities that stress you out, or make a conscious effort to include 15min of quiet time every day.

4. Take supplements that will enhance thyroid function. Consult a practitioner, not all thyroid supplements are made for your particular thyroid dysfunction.

5. Exercise 4-5 times a week at least 15-20min using interval training to stimulate thyroid function and improve Growth Hormone production.

6. Saunas and heat encourage the elimination of stored toxins.

7. Taking supplements rich in turmeric and Resveratrol, the only two natural compounds known to effectively protect you from the toxic world we live in, they help you deal with the toxins you cannot eliminate and stay stored in your fat and tissues.

8. Eat meals frequently throughout the day that include protein (chicken, fish, lamb, or grass fed beef) and healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, olives, or raw organic coconut oil. This increases metabolism by stabilizing your blood sugar.

To obtain optimal health and wellness, you must actively participate on your road to improved thyroid function. Do not depend on conventional medication alone. It is best to get a definitive answer as to why you have low thyroid function. What is the cause? What do you need to do about it? What CAN you do about it? It can be the difference between improving the state of your thyroid or living with it in dysfunction.

photo credit: Dorli Photography via photo pin cc
photo credit: SuperFantastic via photo pin cc

Author Bio:

Dr. Novick is the leading expert on Gluten Free Living. Dr. Novick takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs using holistic, natural therapies such as homeopathy, bach flowers, functional medicine or chiropractic care which nurture the body’s innate health system, and address the root cause of each person’s individual health issues.

Homeopathy for Brain Tumor Patients

As we hear a lot in television, radios, friends and even doctors that prevention is better than cure. However, not all is lucky enough to do that. There are others who find these ailments too late already. Having brain tumor isn’t easy at all…it’s painful and expensive, right?
According from the University of Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany that a substantial number of brain tumor seek alternative therapies like homeopathy alongside their conventional treatment regimen.
A considerable number of patients with brain tumors use alternative therapies, such as homeopathy, alongside their conventional treatments, researchers from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany reveal in the medical journal Neurology. The researchers discovered that approximately 40% of patients with incurable grade II to IV gliomas were found to use alternative therapies.

The most common therapies included psychological therapy, homeopathy and 
vitamin supplements, the authors wrote.

Study author, neurosurgeon Oliver Heese, MD, said:
"The use of these alternative treatments may be largely overlooked and underestimated. Doctors need to be aware of patients' desire to seek alternative treatments and encourage an open discussion of options. Their guidance may be much appreciated, especially when some treatments are dubious, expensive or potentially harmful."
 The rise in demand for patients indulging in alternative remedy to the conventional way of treating oneself is not because of the latter’s inefficiency in treatment but people are just yearning to try anything under the sun that could help restore health.
The most common reason for opting for alternative therapies were:
·         As a complement for their conventional therapy
·         To build up body resistance
·         To do something for the treatment by themselves
Being afraid of conventional methods, or saying it was because the doctor did not have enough time were the least commonly chosen responses.

The alternative therapies included:
·         39% - homeopathy
·         31% - vitamin supplements
·         29% - a wide range of psychological methods”
Although not all are yet into alternative medicine or homeopathy to be specific…I believe that trying it will bring no harm to anyone since its approach is all natural.  You can always stop the treatment if it doesn’t seem to help you.

Article Source :

Author Bio:

Dr. Novick is the leading expert on Gluten Free Living. Dr. Novick takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs using holistic, natural therapies such as homeopathy, bach flowers, functional medicine or chiropractic care which nurture the body’s innate health system, and address the root cause of each person’s individual health issues.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Essence of Bach Flowers

Flowers are natures blessing to us. They brought not only beauty to the world but some classification of flowers bring healing benefits to people. Bach Flowers are one of them. They are utilized as a form of remedy for numerous ailments to both physical and emotional conditions. They are considered to function specifically by getting one’s ego and his inner self into harmony so that the conflict which unfortunately is responsible for the health issues is resolved. This brings about one being renewed to their original state of well-being.

The primary component at work in Bach flowers is the flower essence. They are one of the well-known highly effective classification under the flower essences therapy. The essence functions by correcting the imbalances when it comes to the emotional being of a person to bring a sense of complete wellness.

You can find more than twenty different Bach flower essences, often used per essence or as a combination of various flower essences. The choice of essence to use depends upon what you are currently undergoing in your life at present. Your life must be deliberated conscientiously by yourself to be able to choose which type of flower essence is suitable to your present condition.

The following Bach flower essences have the following healing benefits:

1. One can be healed from feelings of incompetence especially when up against a new project wherein the Larch essence can be helpful

2. If you are scared to try something new, one can use Mimulus.

3. Whenever overloaded by frequent worries, consider the Red Chestnut essence.

4. When sensing reluctance the Hornbeam works well to keep you motivated whereas Tansy is good for removing the terrifying feeling that accompanies challenging circumstances.

5. Cherry Plum is good for any person who is definitely trying to lose weight naturally.

6. People who tend to be full of unnecessary judgmental habit towards other people will notice Beech to be helpful or FES essence; Filaree if you are the type of person who enjoys picking on others!

Bach flowers can be prepared in two basic main steps: first, by means of boiling and second, by means of potentization. Those flower essences coming from trees are mostly applicable for the boiling method. The twig bearing flowers are boiled in the water for an hour and left it there to cool down. The twigs are then sifted out or removed from the water while keeping the water containing the juice of the twigs is then preserved in brandy.

In potentization, the flowers are picked during its blossoming stage. They are then placed in containers with distilled water for at least three hours. After three hours, you can now remove the flowers just like what you did with the twigs and the water mixture should be preserved also in brandy.

Generally, there is only one rule of thumb in preparing Bach flower mixtures. That is to fill in half of an empty dropper with filtered water or spring water. Then add two drops of essence or a couple of flower essences which you wish to use, plus a teaspoon of brandy. Apple cider vinegar is also a good substitute for brandy. The purpose of brandy or apple cider vinegar is to preserve the mixture and could last a period of time as recommended.

You can mix as much as 7 types of flower essences. However, even though there are no known side effects, it is still advisable to keep the combination at a maximum of 7 Bach flower varieties. You can take four or more drops a day. Most of the time, effects of Bach flowers are seen in two-week time when take regularly.

photo credit: LaWendula via photo pin cc

Author Bio:

Dr. Novick is the leading expert on Gluten Free Living. Dr. Novick takes the time to create an individual treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs using holistic, natural therapies such as homeopathy, bach flowers, functional medicine or chiropractic care which nurture the body’s innate health system, and address the root cause of each person’s individual health issues.